“Our body is with us for our whole lives… treat it gently and with respect”
Massage is more than a relaxing stress-melting experience. It is highly effective in accelerating the body’s natural healing abilities, bettering general health, boosting immunity and enhancing wellbeing. Our in-house treatments harness the powerful benefits of aromatherapy. We create personalised essential oil blends for each session according to your physical, emotional and mental state, to help the body regain balance. Find out more in the descriptions below.
Enhances skin tone
Reduces inflammation
Relaxes muscles
Relieves insomnia
Regulates hormones
Improves circulation
Alleviates physical symptoms e.g. headache
Aids detoxification
Classical Aromatherapy
“The key to wellbeing”
The sense of smell is powerful. It triggers memories and influences our emotions. Aromatherapy draws on this neurological connection in using aromatic plant-based essential oils to enhance health and promote a sense of wellbeing. In this massage, Therapeutics Aroma takes a clinical approach in attending to both physiological and psychological wellbeing. We use therapeutic-grade essential oils with anti-viral, anti- bacterial and anti-fungal properties that promote relaxation, balance emotions, advance healing, and help fight (or prevent) infection. A 90-minute session covers both body and face, and the choice of essential oils depends on the client’s needs.
Enhances skin tone
Reduces inflammation
Relaxes muscles
Relieves insomnia
Regulates hormones
Improves circulation
Alleviates physical symptoms e.g. headache
Aids detoxification
Therapeutics Aroma Signature Massage
“Body, mind and spirit in balance”
This ritual is a favourite with our regular clients. Instead of choosing a treatment from the menu, they share their concerns, and then trust us to customise a massage that achieves optimal results and the best outcome for them. Each treatment is unique and tailored to the individual, on each visit. These techniques could incorporate Swedish or deep tissue massage, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, and Emmetts. Helen expertly blends essential oils according to the client’s specific issue and condition during the 60-minute session, to deepen relaxation and boost wellbeing.
Strengthens the immune system
Improves sluggish metabolism
Speeds up healing process
Reduces inflammation
Stimulates circulation
Reduces water retention
Eases allergies and skin conditions
Regulates weight
Initiates detoxification
Lymphatic Stimulation & Drainage
“Cleansing inside-out”
Our lymphatic system is responsible for neutralising toxins and waste, and moving immune cells around the body. A sluggish system impacts and compromises our health. This specialised therapeutic whole body massage strengthens the immune system by stimulating the flow of lymph around the body. During the 90-minute massage, we use light pressure and long gentle rhythmic strokes to unblock and encourage the flow of lymph, and flush out toxins from the body. The treatment relieves bloating and fluid retention, and reduces inflammation. It is a pick-me-up for people feeling under the weather or facing weight issues. And it’s particularly helpful for those recovering from illness or surgery, undergoing cancer treatment, or suffering from acne, sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis or chronic fatigue.
Encourages physical and mental recovery
Aids relaxation
Reduces anxiety
Eases pressure on joints and lower back
Soothes physical discomfort
Decreases fluid retention and puffiness
Improves circulation
Minimises stretch marks
Aroma Prenatal & Postnatal Massage
“Happy mummy, happy family”
Every woman should have the chance to celebrate her journey to motherhood—it is a special stage in your life, and in your relationships. This is a time of constant physiological and emotional change—as your body makes room for the growing baby and responds to hormonal shifts, physical problems can arise. Common complaints are lower back pain, sacroiliac pain, leg cramps, water retention and stretch marks. Our relaxing pre-natal massage helps mums-to-be in their 2nd and 3rd trimesters cope with any discomfort and emotional wobbles. Choice use of pregnancy-safe essential oil blends encourages calmness, balance, and harmony of mind and body. Our aromatherapy post-natal massage is an excellent postpartum mood regulator. It helps to expedite physical recovery from either natural labour or a caesarian delivery, and aids in breastfeeding. Baby massage is also available.
Improves circulation
Eases aches and pains
Soothes muscle tension
Prevents worsening of spider veins and varicose veins
Reduces cellulite
Achieves slimmer legs
Circulatory Leg Treatment
“Lighter leg, lighter mood”
How often do we reject an outing or activity because we’re feeling tired? Or find our attention hijacked by restless legs? Do you know that poor circulation in the legs diminishes our energy? This treatment is great for people who have to spend hours on their feet, e.g. nurses, flight attendants, and sales assistants. Marathoners, cyclists and other sports enthusiasts prone to calf muscle tension also benefit from this highly targeted therapy. Our circulatory leg treatment relieves the sensation of heavy, aching legs in late pregnancy, and eases pain caused by conditions such as cellulitis and varicose veins. The 40-minute session starts with a cooling leg wrap followed by an aroma lymphatic drainage massage to improve circulation and create light, happy legs.
Promotes immediate pain relief
Aids restful sleep
Enhances mood
Improves comfort and ease in the areas treated
Betters joint function
Improves body symmetry and balance
Increases body flexibility
Neuro-Muscular Treatment
“Live life pain-free”
Suffering from backpain? Frozen shoulder? Heartburn? Tight hamstrings? Restless leg syndrome? Emmett technique is a unique non-invasive, light-touch muscle release therapy that addresses unresolved pain and discomfort, and movement restriction issues. It involves very light finger pressure on specific activation points on the body to access receptors in the brain which directly influence muscle action. This stimulates a strong sensory response and triggers the gentle release of muscle and soft tissue tension (as well as any emotions embedded in cellular memory). The result is immediate pain relief—clients notice dramatic changes in pain levels, movement, flexibility, balance, breathing and general wellbeing. Anyone can benefit from Emmett technique. It is effective for pregnancy and menopause, injury and post-surgery, for babies and centenarians. It is particularly suitable for people who prefer gentle non-massage pain relief. The treatment is carried out over 60 minutes with the client fully clothed and seated or lying on the massage bed.